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Animals available for Adoption: 13   Browse | List ]

Highlighted Cats:
Lucas- Feline Leukemia Lucas- Feline Leukemia
Lucas was begging for food at the bus terminal and running around in high traffic. He is a friendly cat but he tested positive with Feline Leukemia so he has to be an only cat or be with another cat with Feline Leukemia. He would love for someone to give him a chance to be a normal cat and he more about Lucas- Feline Leukemia
Ursula Ursula
Ursula was found walking in a WaWa parking lot looking for food and shelter. A lady picked her up and took her to the vet. The vet called Four The Paws and a foster went and picked her up. She is very friendly and would love a home with you. Ursula is spayed, received her 1st FVRCP vaccine, more about Ursula
Aaron Aaron
Aaron may be a Senior Cat but he still has a lot of life to live. He is approximately 12 years old and was abandoned in the Frankford section of the City. He eventually made his way to the doorstep of his new foster dad. Aaron is a debonair gentleman cat who is more than ready to share his next more about Aaron
Maribel Maribel
Maribel was found by a man who took her in and within two weeks she gave birth to four kittens (Marshall, Maddie, Marble and Maxine). Maribel's dad was hospitalized shortly after and he suddenly passed away. The family didn't know what to do with Maribel and the kittens so they called more about Maribel

PO Box 226 •  Yardley, PA 19067  •  fourthepawsrescue [ at ]